Video Memory Bandwidth

美 [ˈvɪdioʊ ˈmeməri ˈbændwɪdθ]英 [ˈvɪdiəʊ ˈmeməri ˈbændwɪdθ]
  • 网络视频存储器带宽;视频存储器读写的带宽
Video Memory BandwidthVideo Memory Bandwidth
  1. The numerical experiment results show that the speed is increased by more than 10 ~ 2 times . In addition , we optimize the storage of texture in the algorithm , which saves video memory bandwidth , and is more suitable for reconstruction of multi-scan mode .


  2. In the field of signal processing , high efficiency network , and high definition audio / video , memory bandwidth has increasingly become a bottleneck , especially in multi-core SoC designs .


  3. However , GPU may compress these normal map textures to save the valuable video memory and limited bandwidth just as the common texture compression technology does .
